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Frequently Asked Questions

How old is Erasmo Ramírez?

Erasmo Ramírez is 34 years old.

When was Erasmo Ramírez born?

Erasmo Ramírez was born on May 2, 1990.

Where was Erasmo Ramírez born?

Erasmo Ramírez was born in Rivas, Rivas.

How tall is Erasmo Ramírez?

Erasmo Ramírez is 6-0 (183 cm) tall.

How much does Erasmo Ramírez weigh?

Erasmo Ramírez weighs 220 lbs (99 kg).

How many seasons has Erasmo Ramírez played?

Erasmo Ramírez is in his 13th season.

What position does Erasmo Ramírez play?

Erasmo Ramírez is a Pitcher.

How many strikeouts does Erasmo Ramírez have?

Erasmo Ramírez has 7 strikeouts this season and has 637 strikeouts over his career.

How many teams has Erasmo Ramírez played for?

Erasmo Ramírez has played for 6 teams; the Seattle Mariners, Tampa Bay Rays, Boston Red Sox, New York Mets, Detroit Tigers and Washington Nationals.

What are Erasmo Ramírez's nicknames?

Mito is a nickname for Erasmo Ramírez.

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