League Awards

League Awards
Award Player Stats
Most Valuable Player AwardRyan BraunMIL 150 G .332/.397/.597
Cy Young AwardClayton KershawLAD 21-5, 2.28, 248 SO
Rookie of the Year AwardCraig KimbrelATL 4-3 (46 SV), 2.10, 127 SO
Manager of the Year AwardKirk Gibson
Triple CrownClayton KershawLAD 21-5, 2.28, 248 SO
Batting Champion
  (highest BA as recognized at time)
José ReyesNYM 126 G .337/.384/.493
ERA Pitching Champion
  (lowest ERA as recognized at time)
Clayton KershawLAD 21-5, 2.28, 248 SO
Rolaids Reliever of the YearJohn AxfordMIL 2-2 (46 SV), 1.95, 86 SO
NLCS MVPDavid FreeseSeries Summary
Hank Aaron AwardMatt KempLAD 161 G .324/.399/.586
TSN Pitcher of the YearClayton KershawLAD 21-5, 2.28, 248 SO

Gold Glove Winners

Silver Slugger Winners

League All-Stars

National League Other Leaders