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SABR : SABR Announces 2011 Chadwick Award Recipients

Posted by Sean Forman on February 15, 2011

SABR : SABR Announces 2011 Chadwick Award Recipients

I am deeply honored to be included in a group with such giants in baseball research and history as David Neft, Pete Palmer, Bill James, and J.G. Spink.  Their books line the walls of my office and without them none of what we've done would be possible. is now more than 11 years old, so there are many, many people who have had a hand in its success, but I'd especially like to thank Sean Lahman, Gary Gillette, the RetroSheet gang (Dave, David, Tom, Clem, and the remarkable volunteers), SABR (and my many partners, contributors, and friends there), my friends and early collaborators Don Malcolm, Jim Furtado and Greg Spira, Justin, Doug, Neil and Jay at S-R, and also Tim Berners-Lee, Michael Widenius, and Larry Wall (I'll let you look them up).  And of course, my wife Sylvia who I know spent many nights wondering, "What on earth is he doing staying up until 2am again?" and "Will he ever finish his dissertation?", but never stopped being supportive or encouraging of this unusual course we've charted together.

15 Responses to “SABR : SABR Announces 2011 Chadwick Award Recipients”

  1. AndrewJ Says:

    Congratulations, Sean!

  2. PANRELL Says:

    Congratulations to Sean! Well deserved. I have been using this site almost since it's inception and it just keeps getting better.

  3. bluejaysstatsgeek Says:

    This is going to end up being a love-in, I'm sure, but a hearty congratulation for a well-deserved honour.

    (Bonus: Canuck spelling!)

  4. ddanyc Says:

    Congratulations. You actually deserve a Nobel, but this will do for a start.

  5. Dr. Doom Says:

    Congrats, Sean! You really deserve it!

  6. Frank Clingenpeel Says:

    Sean, I definitely agree with your award; in my mind, at least, your Cooperstown series was "service above and beyond the Call of Duty". Keep them rockets {literary, of course} flying!

  7. Gerry Says:

    Well done, Sean, and well-deserved - congratulations!

  8. Cyril Morong Says:

    Congratulations. Just like everyone else says, well-deserved. This site has been a great source

  9. flyingelbowsmash Says:

    Congratulations and it was cool to see you on Prime 9 the other day.

  10. Chuck Says:

    Congratulations, Sean.

    Well deserved, and that's one hell of a class you're in.

  11. Dvd Avins Says:

    Congratulations and well-deserved.

  12. Nash Bruce Says:

    you found a good woman who supported you, Sean. Kudos!!!!

  13. TheIronHorse Says:

    Congratulations Sean. As a kid I spent years looking at the backs of baseball cards. Now I spend time daily on your site. Thanks.

  14. Stephen W Robertson Says:

    First, WOW! Second, you absolutely deserve it! What a class, but this site, your baby, is first class! I use daily, probably more than any internet site. The wealth of information in one organized spot is awe-inspiring! You absolutely deserve the honor!

  15. One-Hit Wonders: John Urrea to Jaret Wright | Ducksnorts Says:

    [...] SABR : SABR Announces 2011 Chadwick Award Recipients (Baseball-Reference). Big congrats to Sean Forman, and thanks for everything! [...]